Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Night Prayer

As the end of summer 2020 is coming close, we share our night prayer service, the one we pray at the end of each day here at the priory. Let us pray together for healing and peace in our country and the world.


  1. Thanks you, brothers. It is so good to see you all. I am especially blessed because you sang my favorite song in all your repertoire -- Peace to You. You remain in my prayers and thoughts and I hope to see you again in God's time.

  2. A tear of joy and thankfulness to have found this the evening service we miss you and pray together with you brother John I pray that he is well I did not see him thank you so very much loving thoughts to each of you dear brothers

    1. Thank you for your comment. Brother john is doing very well. You can see him here on our "What's New" blog: https://wpriorynews.blogspot.com/

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this. Peace and love to you, brothers!

  4. Thank you so much, dear brothers, for this beautiful night prayer. Always a favorite part of my visits to the Priory. Hoping that soon we'll be able to participate again in person. God bless you all.

  5. You are my friends
    I wish you peace.

  6. I am touched by your evening prayer together. Know that you are always in our prayers. Brother Patrick-Robert, Franciscans of Christ the
    Servant, in Florida.

  7. Thank you, Brothers. You touch our hearts. Have you considered adding a Morning Prayer video? We miss you. Our love is always going out to you. Blessings, John and Sue H-Z
